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chennai corporation provides an facility to register your child birth certificate through online it is also provides verification and printing of chennai corporation birth certificate .it is computer generated birth certificate does not require any stamp or signature
provide the following fields to check while your child birth certificate status or to print the birth certificate provided by chennai corporation
- gender
- date of birth
- number of verification
varification/printing of chennai corporation birth certificates are done here
else register for chennai corporation birth
Birth Certificate
As per rules, births will have to be registered within 21 days at the place of its occurrence. Chennai Corporations local bodies undertake the registration of births.
Births taking place in a medical institution will be intimated for registration by the institution directly to the registering authority. When the birth has taken place in the house, the head of the family or the nearest relative of the family will have to register in the prescribed format along with a certificate from the person or medical institution that conducted the delivery.
Beyond the prescribed time limit, if a registration is done, it is accepted with a payment of penalty upto a period of one year. If registration is to be done beyond the period of one year, it will be registered only on receipt of a Judicial Order from a Magistrate and with penalty.
In towns/municipal areas, the Register of Births is maintained by the respective Town/Municipal Office. The forms have to be applied for in these offices and obtained.
To get the Birth Certificate, the birth has to be registered with the concerned authority. You can get the Birth Certificate from the Zone X office at Adyar for the period after 1/1/1980. You have to fill the date and place of birth. Registrar will issue the certificate. For the registered births, you can also apply for the Birth certificate online through Corporation of Chennai website.
Source : Chennai Corporation
Procedure to apply birth certificate in Chennai online
- The application for birth certificate can be downloaded from Chennai corporation website
- By visiting this website, the first thing you need to do is see your registration number after which you can provide all your information that is required to be filled up.
- After completing the procedure, you can take the print out and send it to the:
Ripon Buildings,
Corporation of Chennai,
Chennai- 600 003
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